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4/1/2022 MIN

Bridger Elementary School
Communtiy Council Minutes
April 1, 2022 @ 1:00pm

Council Members

  • John Taggart-Principal
  • Chris Hardy-Employee (excused)
  • Kayleen Hamilton - Chair
  • Kym Allen- Parent
  • Keisha Littlejohn-Parent
  • Brandy Mouritsen- Parent (excused)


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome
  2. Current School Improvement Plan Update
    • The council reviewed the proposed school improvement plan goals, action plan and expenditures for next year. All present approved the school improvement plan to fund an additional teacher in 5th grade (split 50/50 between Trustlands and Title I) and aide time
  3. Boundary Change/DLI Move Update
    • Mr. Taggart updated the council on projected enrollment and staffing for next year.
  4. Wrap Up Q & A
  5. Adjourn