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10/17/2022 MIN

Bridger Elementary School
Communtiy Council Minutes
October 17, 2022 @ 3:15pm

Council Members

  • Kandice Goodman-Principal
  • Greg Hansen-Employee
  • Makenna Burnell - Parent
  • Alba Salazar - Parent
  • Aristote Ngwabika - Parent


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome
    • Aristote and Makenna in attendance
  2. Share Digital Community Counsel Folder
    • Continue using hard copies as well
  3. Approve minutes from September 26th
    • Makenna moved to approve the minutes
  4. PTA recruitment and concerns
    • PTA recruitment dinner
      • Discussed options for parents to volunteer from home
  5. Review previous School Trustland Plan and implementation
    • Plan was reviewed and questions answered
  6. Next meeting is the LIVE online School Trust training
    • November 9 at 7:00pm
  7. Wrap Up Q & A
    • How do we keep our teachers here?
      • Daycare onsite?
    • Should we look at Google Reviews
    • Change meeting time to 1:15 instead of 3:15 (hope to accommodate more members)
  8. Adjourn
    • Aristote moved to adjourn the meeting and Makenna seconded the motion