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5/17/2023 MIN

Bridger Elementary School
Communtiy Council Minutes
May 17, 2023 @ 5:30pm

Council Members

  • Kandice Goodman-Principal
  • Greg Hansen-Employee
  • Makenna Burnell - Parent
  • Angeline Ady - Parent
  • Alba Salazar - Parent
  • Aristote Ngwabika - Parent
  • Parjaya Prajapati - Parent


Agenda Items

  • Welcome
    • Review and approve minutes from April
    • Reviewed and approved.
  • Report on Current Plan implementation and budget
    • Reading We recognize the importance of having all students reading on grade level by the end of third grade. We also recognize this will take time to accomplish. Our ultimate goal is 100% of students will be reading at grade level at the end of each school year. To get there, our intermediate goals for 22-23 School Year will be: Reading Fluency - 100% of students in each class and grade, K-5, will have typical or better growth on Acadience Reading (DIBELS). - The number of students proficient, or on benchmark, on Acadience Reading will increase by at least 10% from the beginning of year to the end of year in grades K-5. Reading Comprehension - 100% of students in each class and grade 3-5 will have a Student Growth Percentile (SGP) in the 40th Percentile or higher at the end of year on the STAR Growth Report. - The number of students considered proficient, or higher, on the STAR Screening report will increase by at least 10% from the beginning of year to the end of year in grades 3-5.
      1. 5th Grade 1% growth in proficiency in Star
      2. 4th Grade 1% drop in proficiency in Star
      3. 3rd Grade 1% drop in proficiency in Starr
      4. 95% met growth on the STAR Growth Report
  • Start, Stop, Continue
    • Start a Behavior Goal for the School
    • Start the Raised Responsibility System
    • Continue Early Literacy Routines
  • Celebrate student and school successes
    • Finished Acadiance Reading Assessments
    • Awards Assembly/May 25th
  • Community Council Members for 2023-2024 - Elections?
    • Angeline Ady
    • Kandice Goodman
    • Greg Hansen
  • Important Dates
    • May 19th - Color Fest
    • May 25th - Awards Assembly
    • May 26th - ½ day LAST day
  • Wrap Up Q & A
  • Adjourn