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12/6/2023 MIN

Bridger Elementary School
Communtiy Council Agenda
December 6, 2023 @ 4:30pm

Council Members

  • Kandice Goodman-Principal
  • Greg Hansen-Employee
  • Aristote Ngwabika - Parent
  • Angeline Ady - Parent
  • Amanda Butler - Parent
  • Alan Rodriguez-Garcia - Parent

Agenda Items

  • Review and approve the minutes from November meeting - Greg
  • School Safety Discussion
    • Drop-off and pick-up of students before and after school is a big concern for parents.
      • Would parents be willing to come and help monitor traffic?
    • A “Cold Weather” letter was sent out to all parents so that they can know the procedures that will be followed here at the school when cold weather hits.
  • PBIS Discussion
    • Honors Assemblies via Facebook Live
      • The assembly was on Facebook Live, but it was a little hard to see and hear some of the people and the screen up front.
    • Responsibility - Wall, pins, leadership jobs, Y room
      • After the Christmas Break the Y room will be opened up for the children who qualify to be able to participate in.
      • Mrs. Goodman has organized an arm wrestling event for the older grades to help with some different behavior issues. The children are really excited.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (Connections) Feedback
    • It was good for parents to see how teachers interact with their children.
    • It was very helpful for parents to be able to have the reports explained to them in person. There are many things that teachers understand and know about the curriculum (ie. NWF, ORF, etc.), but the parents might not know. Talking in person was very helpful for parents and teachers.
  • Public Input - Angeline
    • None
  • Wrap Up Q & A
    • Year to Date budget review of current budget at our January 3, 2024 meeting
  • Adjourn
    • Moved to adjourn and seconded