Read Today is a high impact literacy program that pairs struggling readers with volunteer tutors in more than 120 Utah schools.
Read Today is on a mission to help every child learn to read.
Reading is one of the most important foundational skills a child can learn for success throughout life. Research also shows that those children who learn to read before age 9, with the help of involved parents at home, have a much better chance of thriving in school.
The purpose of Read Today is to help students become proficient in reading. And to support Governor Herbert's goal of having 90% of Utah students be proficient readers.
Americorps administers the program, uses the USOE's STAR program to train volunteers, collects data and ensures quality and consistency.
KSL creates awareness, recruits tutors, and provides incentives and celebrations with Chopper 5 landings and literacy events.
Partners who share our goals include The United Way, Utah State Office of Education, PTA and the Chamber's Prosperity 2020.
We know we all can achieve this goal of teaching every child to learn to read but we can only do it with the help of parents, grandparents, relatives, neighbors, businesses and community partners.
"We're All In" for education in Utah. Join us, and make a difference in a child's life, today.